熊野川Kumano River

Nunobiki no Taki waterfall


The highest of the waterfalls on this route. It’s named Nunobiki(clothstretched out to dry)because after a heavy rain it looks like a white cloth hanging over the rock face.

A葵の滝 Aoi no Taki waterfall


The image of the water flowing rapidly down the sheer rock face into the Kumano river is truly splendid.

Janowada no Taki waterfall(the snake falls)


Like a snake slithering down,the water falls down the three tiers.
It’s other name is “the three step fall”

C宣旨返り Senji Gaeri(where even the messenger turned back)


A former emperor who was suffering from a bad headache,sent a messenger to ask a famous priest named SenNen Shonin to pray for his recovery.
However,due to the terrible weather and flooding,this messenger on a such an important mission turned back,fearing for his life at this perilous point of the journey.
You can still see 200 meters of original road traversing the rock face.

D飛鉢峯 Hihatsu Gamine

  平安時代、 専念上人という高僧が、山上から鉄鉢に網をつけて川岸に下ろし、熊野詣の人々から布施物を乞うたといわれています。

This is the mountain where the fore mentioned priest,SenNen Shounin lived during the Heian era (781 to 1181). Legend has it that he would lower an iron bowl on a string to ask for alms flom the passers by below.

Eなびき石 Nabiki Ishi


The rocks look as if they are fluttering in the wind.

F陽石 Yoseki


Here you can see a phallic rock formation,and can you see anything that looks feminine on the other side the river halfway up the slope?

G七日巻 Nanoka Maki(revolving for 7 days)


One of the boatmen who traveled up and down the river decided one day to play a trick on SenNen Shonin. When he lowered his bowl to receive alms,the boatman put in some old sandals. Senen was so angry that he sent his boat spinning and it revolved for 7 days.

H比丘尼転び Bikuni Korobi(where Buddhist nuns fall)


Another perilous point of the journey,here event the experienced nuns had difficulty passing.

I骨嶋 HoneJima(bone Island)


Legion has it that an evil demon who lived here was struck down by the gods of this region. And here his severed bones remain.

J釣鐘石 TsuriGane Ishi(Hanging bell)


Here is a stone that looks like a bell. They say that when the overhanging rock falls this world will come to an end.

K飛雪滝 Hisetsu no Taki(Blizzard fall)


Like snow falling heavily and dancing in the wind,this view is the prize of the Kumano river. It was named by the local lord. There is now a small park and camp ground.

L昼嶋 HiruShima(Lunch Island)


The gods of this area often lunched here and played board games. If you stand on the island you can see crisscrossing lines that make up what seems to be a game board. It’s a great place for us to take a break, too.

M弁慶の足跡 Benkei no AshiAto(The footprint of Benkei)


Benkei(a man who was renowned for his size and strength)is said to have been pushing a boat out into the water and left his footprints on the stone face. He must have been very strong to leave footprints in stone!

N苞苴渕 Onbe no Fuchi(The Bay of Offerings)


This is the place where the 75 fish to be used as shrine offerings for the autumn festival in Shingu are to be caught.

O千穂ヶ峯 ChihogaMine


This peak is called ChihogaMine. At the foot is Hayatama Shrine and Kamikura Shrine is halfway up the mountain. The top(253m)commands a wonderful view of the mouth of the Kumano River and the sea beyond.

P畳石 Tatami Ishi


This rock formation looks tatami mats piled up and leaning to the right.

Q御船島 Mihune jima


This is where the local deities are said to have first appeared. The culmination of the autumn festival at Hayatama Shrine is a boat race. The boats from the different neighborhoods of Shingu row upstream to this island and circle it three times as a reenactment of their appearance.

R亀島 KameJima(Turtle Island)


Does this island look like a turtle to you? It used to look more like a turtle before a typhoon changed its shape. If you look carefully you
Can see a pattern on its“shell”

S権現川原 Gongen Gawara


This was a boat landing for pilgrims on their way to the Hayatama Shrine. A small town of temporary buildings was erected to servise both loggers who brought timber down from the mountains as well as the pilgrims. Because of constant flooding,these amazing huts were built without the use of
nails. Being jointed they could be taken down and moved to the riverbank in only 30 minutes! It only took them between 60 to 90 minutes to reassemble them.
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